27. Januar 2011

:: Get posh magazines for free (almost)

Are you a sucker for foreign magazines but can't find them and afford them?
Every month I'm hunting down the british "Country Living" at newsagents in Berlin. When I grab one I have to pay more the 10 Euro!
But now with Zinio, the world's largest online newsagent, you can save money and trees. They have all the mags from around the world for just less half the price from the original.

Sign up for a free trial. I just treated myself to 3 free issues of "Marieclaire".

25. Januar 2011

:: new bloom

Shades of grey still dominating Berlin. To brighten up a little here some blooming pictures and ideas i came across in the net.

This is a clever and enviromental idea to perfume your room. Just attach orange or lemon rind on a wire and hang on your radiator

Orange rind scent diffuser by Tour de Fork (via Designsponge)


Flowers that won't fade (by Tiny Happy)


Get yourself a little table pet (by Miss Bumbles)


Cuddling up with a white spring cardigan ( by Studio150)


Scare winter weather away with this stunning cape (by The greedy seagull)

5. Januar 2011

:: Danger ahead :: Heavy Hibernation

Due to some heavy hibernation there will be low traffic. But I'm planning to do a post about Berlin-Mitte.
About the tourist grammed (and abused) streets, of hip and traditional shops and secret places (are there any left?)