21. Juli 2008

:: Oh la la: Wedding Dress#3

Still enthusiastic and happy about my weekend at the Wedding Dress #3 Basar. I'm overhelmed about the acceptance of my products and about how many people liked and enjoyed Eden.
Thanks to everybody and to Robert and Katharina from Grandma Agentur who invited my to join the Basar.

For Berliner and visitors: My Showroom will open soon. Please check my blog for news. There will also be a Grand Opening at Dawanda.

17. Juli 2008

:: Production ahead

Almost finished with my projects for the Wedding Dress Basar. See you on Saturday and Sunday at Brunnenstraße in Berlin. Hurray! I'm so excited.

1. Juli 2008

:: Heartbreaker

I fell in love. Again with a Redhead. His name is Fritzi and I met him at the internet. On Sunday he is moving in.